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Maometto II 2012

Maometto II 2012

July 14 - August 16, 2012

Drawn from Middle Eastern History — and Rediscovered Opera History.

Is Rossini’s serious side musically even richer than his comedies? There’s no need to choose, but even longtime Rossini enthusiasts will be astonished. The new critical performing edition of Maometto II recaptures the original character of the music. A love story set against a backdrop of Venice, Maometto II offers Rossini at his appealing best, including showstopping coloratura arias.

Music By
Gioachino Rossini
Libretto By
Cesare della Valle


Act I

The ancient realm of Byzantium, home of Byzantine culture, has fallen to the forces of the Turkish sultan Maometto II, and the Vene­tian city Negroponte is under siege. On the Byzantine side, Calbo urges the commander Paolo Erisso to continue defending the city; Condulmiero urges surrender. Erisso, who has arranged the engagement of his daughter Anna to Calbo, does not know she is in love with a nobleman of Corinth.

Turks overrun Negroponte’s defenders, toking Erisso and Calbo as prisoners. The sultan Maometto arrives, recognizing Anno as his clandestine lover. The stunning truth of the re­alization horrifies both Erisso and Anno, who threatens suicide unless Maometto frees Erisso and Calbo. Maometto agrees, promising Anna a life of love and luxury.

Act II

Still overwhelmed by Maometto’s revelations and her homeland’s plight, Anna rejects his ardent declarations of love. He leaves to press the attack on Negroponte, entrusting her with his seal of imperial authority as a guarantee of her safety while he is gone. But Anno joins Calbo and her father in hiding, overcoming Erisso’s accusations of disloyalty by giving him Maometto’s seal. Now free to emerge from hiding, Erisso conducts Calbo’s marriage to his daughter in the shadow of her mother’s tomb, and the two men leave to face the Turks in combat.

Temporarily at a distance from the conflicting men in her life, Anna receives good and bad news: Erisso hos defeated Maometto and suc­cessfully defended Negroponte, but Anna is now in danger from Maometto, who will un­doubtedly want to avenge her betrayal. Con­fronted by Maometto and his troops at the very spot where she was married, Anna reveals the details of her deception and stabs herself, dying on her mother’s tomb.


Luca Pisaroni headshot

Luca Pisaroni


Maometto II

Leah Crocetto headshot

Leah Crocetto



Bruce Sledge headshot

Bruce Sledge


Paolo Erisso

Patricia Bardon headshot

Patricia Bardon



Matthew Newlin headshot

Matthew Newlin



Michael Dailey headshot

Michael Dailey



Frédéric Chaslin headshot

Frédéric Chaslin


David Alden headshot

David Alden


Jon Morrell headshot

Jon Morrell

Costume Designer

Duane Schuler headshot

Duane Schuler

Lighting Designer

Peggy Hickey headshot

Peggy Hickey


Jonathan Rider headshot

Jonathan Rider

Fight Director

Susanne Sheston headshot

Susanne Sheston

Chorus Director