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17 Ensemble Cast in 'Girl of the Golden West' (c) Ken Howard for Santa Fe Opera, 2016

La fanciulla del West 2016

July 1 - August 27, 2016

“There’s a path to redemption for every one of you boys.”

Minnie, the invincible heroine of The Girl of the Golden West, can hold her own with the boys at her saloon. Her love is torn between a disguised bandit, who wins her heart, and his rival, the sheriff. A poker game determines the outcome in a climactic face-off.

Music By
Giacomo Puccini
Libretto By
Guelfo Civinini and Carlo Zangarini


Act I

A mining camp at the foot of the Cloudy Mountains in California, 1849-1850:  Miners gather in the saloon where they are greeted by Nick, the bartender. Happy, Harry, Handsome, Trin and Joe gamble, with Sid as banker. Jake Wallace sings a nostalgic song, which provokes Larkens to break down with homesickness. Some contribute money for Larkens’s return home. Sid is caught cheating and the miners threaten him with hanging. Sheriff Rance intervenes and pins a two of spades to his lapel as a mark of shame before towing him out of the saloon. The Wells Fargo agent Ashby arrives with news that the bandit Ramerrez is at large. Rance and Sonora quarrel over Minnie. Her arrival restores order. The miners give her gifts. Minnie leads a bible-class. The post arrives and Ashby receives information about Ramerrez. Rance finds himself alone with Minnie and declares his desire for her. Nick returns with a man called Dick Johnson. He has met Minnie before, and their attraction angers Rance. Ashby and a group of men drag in José Castro, one of Remerrez’s gang. He pretends to have deserted his boss and promises to lead them to him. Castro’s intention is to distract the miners long enough for Ramerrez to rob the saloon where the miners keep their gold. He whispers to Ramerrez, alias Johnson, that he will give a signal when it is safe for Johnson to commit robbery. The miners prepare to ride off with Castro, leaving Minnie to guard their gold. Johnson is alone with Minnie. He ignores Castro’s signal, and accepts Minnie’s invitation to meet later at her cabin.

Act II

About an hour has passed:  Billie Jackrabbit visits Wowkie at Minnie’s cabin. Minnie arrives to prepare for Johnson’s visit. She describes her life on the mountain to Johnson. As they become more intimate, Johnson inexplicably announces that he must leave. It is snowing heavily outside. Minnie insists that he stay the night, though they will sleep separately. Rance and a small posse of men knock on the door. They are searching for Johnson. Johnson hides. Rance provides proof of Johnson’s criminal identity. The men leave. Minnie rounds on Johnson: he attempts to explain his life. Minnie orders him to go. As soon as he leaves, shots ring out and Johnson’s body slumps against the door. Minnie opens the door, he staggers in and she hides him. Rance returns. A trail of blood eventually leads him to Johnson. In a desperate ploy, Minnie challenges Rance to a game of poker: if she wins, Johnson will go free; if she loses, she will give herself to Rance. By cheating in the final hand, she wins.


One week later:  Rance despairs at having let Johnson go free. Distant voices draw nearer: Johnson has been caught and is brought in to face the accusing mob. Billy Jackrabbit prepares the noose. Johnson asks that Minnie will never be told of his execution. Minnie arrives and pleads with the miners to spare his life. They accept. Minnie and Johnson depart from California.


Patricia Racette headshot

Patricia Racette



Gwyn Hughes Jones headshot

Gwyn Hughes Jones


Dick Johnson

Mark Delavan headshot

Mark Delavan


Jack Rance

Raymond Aceto headshot

Raymond Aceto



Allan Glassman headshot

Allan Glassman



Craig Verm headshot

Craig Verm



Tyson Miller Headshot

Tyson Miller



Jared Bybee headshot

Jared Bybee



Derrek Stark headshot

Derrek Stark



Andrew Paulson headshot

Andrew Paulson



Jorge Espino headshot

Jorge Espino



John Matthew Myers headshot

John Matthew Myers



Adrian N. Smith headshot

Adrian N. Smith



Nicholas Davis headshot

Nicholas Davis


Jake Wallace

Benjamin Werley headshot

Benjamin Werley


A Courier

Alan Higgs headshot

Alan Higgs


José Castro

Kristen Choi headshot

Kristen Choi



James Harrington headshot

James Harrington


Billy Jackrabbit

Emmanuel Villaume headshot

Emmanuel Villaume


Richard Jones

Richard Jones


Miriam Buether headshot

Miriam Buether

Scenic Designer

Nicky Gillibrand headshot

Nicky Gillibrand

Costume Designer

Mimi Jordan Sherin headshot

Mimi Jordan Sherin

Lighting Designer

Lucy Burge headshot

Lucy Burge


Anjali Mehra headshot

Anjali Mehra


Associate Choreographer

Rick Sordelet headshot

Rick Sordelet

Fight & Intimacy Director

Fight Director

Christian Sordelet headshot

Christian Kelly-Sordelet

Fight & Intimacy Director

Fight Director

Susanne Sheston headshot

Susanne Sheston

Chorus Director