The Santa Fe Opera

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Die Walkure illustration credit Benedetto Cristofani for the Santa Fe Opera

Die Walküre

July 26 - August 21, 2025

In a broken land where rules no longer apply, Gods clash, heroes rise and music resounds with titanic magnitude. This second installment of Wagner’s Ring Cycle weaves an epic tale of forbidden love and cosmic destiny.

Melly Still makes her company debut directing this company premiere. Conductor James Gaffigan returns to the podium to lead a stellar cast that includes three-time Grammy-Award winning bass-baritone Ryan Speedo Green in his role debut as Wotan. Tamara Wilson returns to sing Brünnhilde following her praiseworthy interpretation of Isolde in 2022. American tenor Jamez McCorkle makes his role and company debut as Siegmund and Lithuanian-born soprano Vida Miknevičiūtė makes her U.S. debut as Sieglinde.

En una tierra rota donde las leyes ya no valen nada, los dioses se enfrentan, surgen los héroes y la música resuena con una magnitud de dimensiones titánicas. En esta segunda entrega del Ciclo del Anillo de Wagner se entrelazan una historia épica de amor prohibido y un destino escrito en las estrellas.

Melly Still debuta en la dirección de la compañía con esta nueva producción de la obra. El director James Gaffigan regresa al podio de la Ópera de Santa Fe para guiar a un elenco estelar que incluye al bajo-barítono ganador de tres premios Grammy Ryan Speedo Green en el que es su debut como Wotan, a Tamara Wilson, que regresa a la Ópera de Santa Fe para cantar Brünnhilde tras su aclamada interpretación de Isolda en 2022, al tenor estadounidense Jamez McCorkle, que hace su debut tanto en la compañía como en el papel de Siegmund, y a la soprano lituana Vida Miknevičiūtė, que debuta en Estados Unidos como Sieglinde.

Music By
Richard Wagner
Libretto By
Richard Wagner
Sung In
Instant Translation Screen
English and Spanish
Production support generously provided by
The Avenir Production Fund
The Robert & Ellen Vladem Perpetual Fund for Opera Production
Additional artistic support provided by
David & Frances Ertel
The Mickey Inbody Charitable Foundation, Inc.
National Endowment for the Arts
The performances of James Gaffigan are supported by
Guy L. & Catherine D. Gronquist
The engagement of Melly Still is supported by
The Marineau Family Foundation
The performances of Tamara Wilson are supported by
Marianne S. Kah
The performances of Jamez McCorkle are supported by
Wagner Society of Santa Fe
The performances of Vida Miknevičiūtė are supported by
Kris Vikmanis & Denny Creighton
The performances of Soloman Howard are supported by
Wagner Society of Santa Fe
Run Time
Approximately 4 hours 35 min; includes two intermissions


Act I

The forest. In the last lash of a storm, Siegmund, pursued by his enemies, staggers into a house built around a giant ash tree. Sieglinde enters, thinking her husband Hunding has returned, and sees the fugitive on her hearth. They sense an immediate attraction. She gives him water to drink and persuades him to stay. Hunding returns. While Sieglinde prepares the meal, Hunding asks Siegmund his story. It is revealed that those Siegmund has slain in battle were Hunding’s kin. For the moment Siegmund is protected by the laws of hospitality, but in the morning, Hunding says, they will fight to the death. Siegmund, left alone, longs for the sword his father Wälse had promised him. Sieglinde emerges; she has given Hunding a sleeping-potion. She points out to Siegmund the sword buried in the ash tree, telling him how on her wedding day an aged stranger thrust the sword into the tree, and no one since has been able to remove it. Siegmund promises to save her from her forced marriage. She recognizes him as her twin brother, and he claims her as his Wälsung bride. He joyfully draws forth the sword and they rush into the night.

En el bosque. Durante la última sacudida de una tormenta, Siegmund, perseguido por sus enemigos, entra tambaleante en una casa construida alrededor de un gigantesco árbol de fresno. Sieglinde entra pensando que su esposo Hunding ha regresado y ve al fugitivo en su chimenea. Sienten una atracción inmediata el uno por el otro. Ella le ofrece agua y lo persuade para que se quede. Hunding regresa. Mientras Sieglinde prepara la comida, Hunding le pide a Siegmund que le cuente su historia y es así cómo llegan a saber que aquellos a quienes Siegmund ha matado en batallas eran familiares de Hunding. Por el momento, Siegmund está protegido por las leyes de la hospitalidad pero a la mañana siguiente, dice Hunding, deberán pelear hasta la muerte. En un momento de soledad, Siegmund comienza a anhelar la espada que su padre Wälse le había prometido. Sieglinde aparece. Le ha dado a Hunding una poción para dormir y enseña a Siegmund la espada que está enterrada en el fresno, contándole cómo el día de su boda un extraño anciano insertó la espada en el árbol y nadie ha podido sacarla desde entonces. Siegmund promete salvarla de su matrimonio impuesto. Ella lo reconoce como su hermano gemelo y él la reclama como su esposa Wälsung. Lleno de alegría, Siegmund saca la espada y ambos se adentran en la noche.


Tamara Wilson

Tamara Wilson



Ryan Speedo Green

Ryan Speedo Green



Jamez McCorkle

Jamez McCorkle



Vida Mikneviciute

Vida Miknevičiūtė



Sarah Saturnino

Sarah Saturnino



Soloman Howard

Soloman Howard



Jessica Faselt

Jessica Faselt



Wendy Bryn Harmer headshot

Wendy Bryn Harmer



Jasmin Ward

Jasmin Ward



Gretchen Krupp

Gretchen Krupp



Aubrey Odle

Aubrey Odle



Deanna Eberhart

Deanna Ray Eberhart



Lauren Randolph

Lauren Randolph



Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson Cano



James Gaffigan

James Gaffigan


Melly Still

Melly Still


Leslie Travers headshot

Leslie Travers

Scenic & Costume Designer

Malcolm Rippeth

Malcolm Rippeth

Lighting Designer

Tinovimbanashe Sibanda

Tinovimbanashe Sibanda


David Zimmerman

David Zimmerman

Wig & Makeup Designer

2025 Season Playlist